Tag Archives: greenlee

My Digital Life Show #5: Part 2 Growing Globalization of Podcasts and Electric Cars

Here is episode #5 of  “My Digital Life with Rob Greenlee” for Tuesday, June 18th, 2013.

This episode is part 2 of a series on the growing globalization of Podcasts and what that means for podcasting’s future.

This week, I have an extensive interview with Nicole Simon, Author, Social Media and Podcast Consultant at nicole-simon.eu from Berlin, Germany.  She can also be found on Twitter here @nicolesimon .

I also present an update on my 2 year ownership experience of an 100% Electric 2011 Nissan Leaf.  CNET TV Top 5 Electric Cars is also discussed in this episode — read more from CNET here .


Please feel free to give me feedback on this show to: rob at robgreenlee dotcom or twitter @robgreenlee . Leave some of your thoughts here in the comments and I will respond to them in next week episode.