My Digital Life Show #4: Growing Globalization of Podcasts

Here is episode #4 of the new “My Digital Life with Rob Greenlee” for Tuesday, June 11th, 2013.

This episode is focused on the growing globalization of podcasts and what that means for podcasting’s future.   As you can see, I stay focused on my passion and that is the medium of “Podcasting” for another week.

Interview guest is Karin Hoegh, Podcast Consultant at from Copenhagen, Denmark.

The below ranking chart gives a glimpse into the future of podcasts and maybe all on-demand media consumption over the next 5-10 years.

Here is a Top 10 Ranked List of the Most Spoken Languages around the World:

  1. Mandarin – 1 Billion + (Chinese)
  2. English – 508 Million +  (New Zealand, U.S., Australia, England, Zimbabwe, Caribbean, Hong Kong, South Africa, Canada and more)
  3. Hindustani – 500 Million + (India)
  4. Spanish – 400 Million + (Spain, Mexico, Cuba and most South and Central American countries)
  5. Russian – 300 Million (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, US to name a few)
  6. Arabic – 250 Million + (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt)
  7. Bengali – 215 Million – (Bangladesh mostly, but many other countries have these speakers)
  8. Portuguese – 200 Million – (Brazil, Macau, Angola, Venezuela, and Mozambique)
  9. Malay-Indonesian – 175 Million – (Malaysia and Indonesia)1
  10. French – 135 Million – (France, Belgium, Canada, Rwanda, Cameroon, and Haiti)

Here is a download referrer ranked list by country breakout of the top countries consuming podcasts over the past few months.  This data is from the largest podcast hosting provider in the world – Libsyn.

  1. United States
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Canada
  4. China
  5. Australia
  6. Japan
  7. Korea, Republic of
  8. Germany
  9. Spain
  10. Mexico
  11. France
  12. Sweden
  13. Russian Federation
  14. Singapore
  15. Brazil
  16. Saudi Arabia
  17. Italy
  18. Netherlands
  19. Thailand
  20. India

China has broken into the top 5.

The other languages represented in the above Top 20 country download referrer list, that are not included in the Top 10 Most Spoken Languages are Japanese, Korean, German, Swedish, Italian, Thai, and Dutch.  The current largest languages not represented in the Top 20 country list are Malay-Indonesian and Bengali.


Please feel free to give me feedback on this show to: rob at robgreenlee dotcom or twitter @robgreenlee .  Leave some of your thoughts here in the comments and I will respond to them in next week episode.

3 thoughts on “My Digital Life Show #4: Growing Globalization of Podcasts

  1. Jamie Davis

    Rob, thanks for the information and analysis. I didn’t know China was moving up so high in the stats for all podcasters. I just thought it was me because my shows are medical in nature.

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